Clandestyne: A Storyteller Freeform Campaign
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Clandestyne: A Storyteller freeform campaign
Clandestyne is a freeform. A roleplaying game that involves a great number of players. Playing freeform means you will spend some time talking to other players and the emphasis of play will be on role-playing rather than strategy. You don’t need to be powerful as much as you need to be prepared to talk to other people.

Next Game
Details of the next game
Game Theme
Underlying elements of Clandestyne

Game World
People and places in Clandestyne
Game History
Major events in Clandestyne
Game Dates
Flyers of past and future games
Player Info
Players´ guide, maps, etc
New Players
Submit new characters here
Downloadable info and plots
Information and contact details
Who did what
Site Map
A map of this site

Clandestyne is not related to any other freeform campaign. The game is a game for people to play. Most of the players are invited to participate directly, but anyone is welcome. This is attitude is a reflection of the democratic and open nature of the conveners. If you want to play, come play. If you want to participate in any other way, you can. If you want to discuss anything about your character, ask the conveners and they will help.
Clandestyne is a freeform campaign. If you wish to play the same character again and develop it, you can. If you want a new character next time you can make one. The conveners run a Clandestyne event every month or so, whether it be a multi-denominational freeform or a smaller more story focused game.
The venue we commonly use at Sydney Park is very good. It features the remnants of an abandoned brickworks, a lake, some hills, bush etc. It is a large park, and it provides an atmospheric place that is close to public transport but relatively private and quiet. In the event of bad weather, a house nearby is available as an alternative.
Don’t hesitate to invite friends along, but remember they will not have a character to play if you don’t notify the conveners at least a few days beforehand.
See you there !
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