Clandestyne: A Storyteller Freeform Campaign
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Game Dates

Next Game:
Clandestyne is currently in hiatus.
More information will be appearing here when future games are planed.
(Don't hold you breath :)
A list of the previously run games:
Clandestyne P - The Time of Shadow (21 October 1995)
Clandestyne 1.1 - The Land is in Shadow (13 April 1996)
Clandestyne 1.2 - The Principality (May 1996)
Clandestyne 2.1 - The War of Domination (15 June 1996)
Clandestyne 2.2 - The Dreaming Court (17 August 1996)
Clandestyne 3.1 - The Ascendance (12 October 1996)
Clandestyne 3.2 - BLOODSPORTS (9 November 1996)
Clandestyne 0.1 - The Tower of Fable (30 November 1996)
Clandestyne 4.1 - Olympos
    DragonTalk info
(Part of Maquariecon,
14 December 1996)

Clandestyne 4.3 - They are amongst us

(25 January 1997
Clandestyne 4.3b - They are amongst us (22 February 1997)
Clandestyne 5.1 - The Eye of the Storm (5 April 1997)
Clandestyne 5.2 - The Symmetry of Stars (17 May 1997
Clandestyne alpha - Dreaming of a Better World
    History of the World of Clandestyne, 2010 AD
(Part of SAGA,
Queen's Birthday
long weekend)
Clandestyne 6.1 - The Prophesy (21 June 1997)
Clandestyne 4.4 - "like sands through the hour glass" (19 July 1997)
Clandestyne 6.2 - Revelation (9 August 1997)
Clandestyne 7.1 - The end is the beginning is the end (11 October 1997)

Clandestyne 8.1 - Intervention: First Contact
    DragonTalk info

(Part of Maquariecon,
13 December 1997)

Clandestyne 10.1 - Clandestyne by Gaslight
    Handbook info

(Part of Sydcon,
10 April Easter 1998)

Clandestyne 10.1b - Clandestyne by Gaslight
    Handbook info

(Part of Arcanacon,
29, 30 June & 1, 2 July 2000)