Clandestyne: A Storyteller Freeform Campaign
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The Nature of the Clandestyne Multiverse

The Multiverse is a huge conglomeration of realms, dimensions, timelines, and universes. The multiverse is infinite, and within this infinity are infinite variations on the same multiversal themes. These themes, or Aspects, are beyond reality, beyond existence, beyond time and space. It is the Aspects that make the multiverse. These Aspects ensure that certain patterns occur and reoccur wherever existence manifests within the multiverse - these are the basis for all.
The Aspects
The primary and secondary Aspects shown below constitute the parts that make up the multiverse. None of the categories are absolute and many overlap to some degree. All existence, even the multiverse itself, arises from the interplay of these Aspects. Concepts such as life, magick and science all rely on some parts of each of these aspects. Each primary Aspect contains some measure of ´positive´ and ´negative´ secondary Aspects - there are no ´good´ or ´bad´ aspects.
There are no Aspects for Good and Evil, this is a human simplification. Similarly there is are no Aspects representing nothingness versus existence - nothingness does not exist. Even that which seems empty is part of the substance of the multiverse.
Primary Secondary
Creation Beginning, Birth, Reproduction, Healing, Sex, Parent, Offspring, Love, Joy.
Destruction Ending, Death, Ruin, Pain, Hate, Violence, Envy, Forgetting.
Dynamism Change, Time, Growth, Development, Decay, Mutation, Movement, Learning, Chaos, Diversity, Flexibility, Rare, Male, Female, Mind, Imagination, Dream.
Static Absolute, Universal, Stability, Stagnation, Destiny, Matter, Continuity, Knowledge, Control, Strength, Space, Measurement, Common, Physical, Body, Androgyny.
Positive Correct, Beneficial, Benevolence, Useful.
(Based solely on individual perception)
Negative Incorrect, Harmful, Malevolence, Useless.
(Based solely on individual perception)
Balance Special (Balance is the equality of interaction between the other six forces, and as such has no further aspects. Life itself is such an interaction)
The Nature of the Gods
The Gods represent the most powerful sentient manifestations of the various Aspects, whilst realms and dimensions usually represent the non-sentient manifestations of the Aspects (although sentient realms are not unheard of). It is through the Gods that the various Aspects can most directly interact. Since the multiverse is infinite, and so is each Aspect, there is no actual limits to the number of Gods that can exist.
For all their power, Gods are limited. The Gods do not know the origin nor the purpose behind the multiverse. Many Gods do not even realise that universes or dimensions outside their own actually exist. The Gods do not realise why, or often even how, they were or are created; even though they may themselves create new demigods. Some Gods have been involved in creating, building, changing or even destroying one or more Universes, dimensions or realms. Other Gods have no ability to even travel to other realms, let alone create or destroy them.
Most Gods realise that they have a role, but few know of the important part played by the Aspects. Some Gods roles remain the same, others change. It all largely depends on the Aspects which rule them.
It should be noted that the seven beings known as the Endless do not follow the same rules as the Gods; nor are they the same as Gods. The Endless were all brought into existence at the Beginning (although some are still older than the others). They are the personification of their names: Destiny, Death, Dream, Desire, Despair, Destruction, and Delirium (who was once Delight) and although they sometimes imagine that they manipulate humanity, they do in fact serve mortals by embodying human concepts. It is possible that there are other Endless in different universes, but we know nothing about them.